Current Projects
Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Images
Worldwide law enforcement agencies are encountering a substantial increase in the number of illicit drug pills being circulated in our society. Identifying the source and manufacturer of these illicit drugs will help deter drug-related crimes. We have developed an automatic system, called Pill-ID to match drug pill images based on several features (i.e., imprint, color, and shape) of the tablet. The color and shape information are encoded as a three-dimensional histogram and invariant moments, respectively. The imprint on the pill is encoded as feature vectors derived from SIFT and MLBP descriptors. The proposed system is being evaluated using a database consisting of 1,029 illicit drug pill images and 14,002 legal pill images.
Y.-B. Lee, U. Park, and A. K. Jain, "PILL-ID Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Images", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 904-910, May 2012.
Y.-B. Lee, U. Park, and A. K. Jain, "PILL-ID Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images", ICPR, Istanbul Turkey, August 23-26, 2010.